
Spent three days in Whistler with the fam. Walking around the Whistler village makes you feel very healthy and very rich. I highly recommend it. You just feel better being up there. We had a great time biking and just bumming around. took the boy in one of those bike trailer things - he totally hated it - screamed the whole time.

I have put together a schedule and plan for the fall service schedule of First @ Night. I got pretty excited as I was working on it.

On our way back from Whistler we drove through West Vancouver. We felt like imposters, who were about to be caught. I no longer felt healthy and rich, but rather, sickly and dirty.

It's always nice to come back to 950 Cambie street - my home, Felicia's home and Adam's home - its the only home he has known.

Will post some pics as soon as I upload them.

"Gully, Gully Gully Gully" - Adam Ninan.


Anonymous said…
Hi Santosh .... I tracked you down on the net! It was good reading some of your thoughts and even read an article you wrore about Billy Graham. It's difficult to keep in touch with family coz of the distance ..... but today I felt connected!Jessie's got a blog spot too ...http://freedomunlimitedjessie.blogspot.com/
Take care,

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