hanging with mace windu

my first day at the new job! it went fairly well. i worked on a lot of prep. stuff for when we launch in sept. also met with a guy that i am going to get to speak in october.

after work we headed down to this oyster resturant for oysters and beer - it was delicious.

then we rented a couple of movies.

we had to get some groceries at urban fare and while we were there, who should walk by me but samuel l. jackson! the biggest grossing movie star in the world! and he walked right by me. he was with a rather heavy and short white woman and her daughter. as he was coming out i asked for an autograph. he said you gotta say please - its important to say please - and teach your son too!

then he was off. we followed him for a bit but then decided to quit being stalkers and headed for home.

was quite thrilling and i am sure i will coast on this for awhile.

"Whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant. What is significant is that I felt the touch of God. God got involved. " - jules in pulp fiction


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