so you say its your birthday

i forgot to mention that my birthday was on saturday - 35 yrs. old! it was fun - we went out for drinks on some place that has a deck - everytime we toasted warren and carla i threw in the fact that it was my b-day - i got a desert out of it!

back home with my wife and child - feels good feels good.

been working on some church stuff - i think i am going to have music playing as people enter - something to break the ice - i am just going to have rnadom stuff from my cd collection - i'm not sure what people like - but i'll try it.


Anonymous said…
My esteemed dude, I had a great time with you at the wedding. It was good to catch up, for indeed it had been way too long (remember, I thought you were only about 32-33). Your talk of Vancouver, and of course your presence in the city, has only made me want to go that much more. Again, kudos on producing a most excellent and sublime looking son. And if you have a spare moment, busy as you are these days with your new church group, could you send some of those wedding picks my way, along with some books you recommend?

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