
Spent most of the week sick. Still went to work, but was definitely not accomplishing as much. It was made even harder by the fact that I had meetings every day and every night, and had to conduct my first memorial service... and write a sermon.

All in all, I think it was ok - but this morning, I felt really out of it when I went up to preach, and for the first time in a long time missed some points, and lost my place on the text. I thought I was going to pass out after.

Came home, ate some soup and really did pass out on my bed.

Got up, and played with the kids for a bit. Then watched the grammys. Ok - after seeing U2 tonight, I actually like the new single "Get on your boots", which I really didn't like before. It's the first single by them that didn't grab me by the neck the first time I heard it.

But, they were cool live. I also really liked the strange Chris Martin / Jay Z pairing. Radiohead also didn't disappoint.

The biggest surprise was the album of the year. Both Coldplay and Lil Wayne were nominated. I thought for sure Lil Wayne would win, due to all the media hype build-up for him prior to the awards. But, in the end - Alison Kraus and Robert Plant!!!! What?

Has anyone actually heard of this album? Beside the grammy judges? Sheesh.

At this rate - Benjamin Gump might actually beat Slumdog for best picture.

I hope I start feeling better soon - being sick really slows me down.


Anonymous said…
I actually did give the Plant/Krauss album a listen a while back and enjoyed it enough to understand why it could win album of the year: It is mostly mellow, subtle stuff... just the kind of small step above mediocrity that award shows love.

P.S. I'm sure you already know this (haven't checked to see if you've blogged about it) but in case you hadn't heard, U2 is going to be Letterman's house band for a week.


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