
Missionsfest and the Vancouver Film Festival are my 2 favorite events in Vancouver. I guess the Sunrun would be up there as well.

This year Tony Campolo was one of the featured speakers. I think its like the 5th or 6th time he has spoken there. It was Campolo's message at Urbana 87 that God used to change the course of my life. I was headed for a career as a lawyer, and his message turned me towards vocational ministry.

I have met Campolo on a couple of occasions to let him know how his message changed my life. On Friday he spoke at a leader's luncheon. I went up prior to the event and told him the story once again. This time he was a lot more animated. I gave him my card, and he said "Look at that! Lead Pastor! Give me a hug!" My buddy introduced himself to Tony. Tony said "If you're a friend of Santosh's, then you're a friend of mine!"

This time I got a picture - I'm normally not really into that kind of stuff, but I thought - I may never see Campolo again, and I want a record of one of the most important people that God has used in my life, hence the above pic.

I also had breakfast with my friend, noted author - Mark Buchanan. Buchanan has about 5 published works, endorsed by Philip Yancey, Eugene Peterson and many others. Mark is a good friend as well - he's Baptist, and I used to be Baptist so we met each other at various denominational events over the years. 

I wanted to pick Mark's brains a bit about writing. I have a few articles published and people have often commented on the quality of my writing. So, I think I'm going to solidify a couple of ideas that I have, and try to get at least one book project going this year.

Other than that, I have a cold now, and have to preach tomorrow, which should be interesting.


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