If You Want Me....

This past week a very large well known Christian pare-church organization hosted a brekfast for pastors in Metro Vancouver. Never one to turn down a free breakfast, I headed to a large church in East Van.

The breakfast was great. I ran into some old friends. The speakers were..... pretty weak. I hate to say it, but if you are going to put on an event for people who spend most of their lives communicating publicly, then you need to have communicators that can speak above the level of the average pastor. These speakers were well intentioned and sincere but were simply so average.

At these things you usually get a lot of free stuff, which was nice. I also got a free pen.

Got better this week, and then just today started to feel ill again. Don't know why. Also, Adam and I went for haircuts. His looks nice - I, well, let's just say my hair is so short, you can make out the exact shape of my scalp. I hope I don't scare too many people at church tomorrow.


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