Church in The Theatre

We had our church service in a new venue yesterday: The Inlet Theatre. This theatre is in the same building as Port Moody's City Hall and Library. Across the street is an upscale shopping area called "Newport Village", surrounded by residential apartment buildings - it feels like a cross between Whistler and Yaletown.

Behind the theater is the recreation center where I work out on at least a monthly basis. The rec. center has 2 skating rinks and a curling rink. This is where Adam is learning to skate, although learning appears to be quite a loose term right now.

The service at the theatre was quite a success, on all accounts. It is very comfortable and intimate inside. With the rental of the theater we get full use of all their sound equipment and the sound tech. which was a huge advantage.

We had someone from a community organization called "Share", tell us about their programs with the homeless, the drug addicted and other marginalized people - basically all the people the church should be reaching. She did a great job presenting their excellent work. We are seeking ways to connect with them in the future.

There were also 4 missionaries from Missionsfest visiting - 2 of whom are close family friends, so it was cool to have them there as well.

We were also way OVER for our budgeted giving for January, which was incredibly encouraging.

So, we'll have to see wether we want to stick in this new venue. We have one more "trial" service there on March 1, and then we have to see if it will be available to us on an on-going basis. The feed-back from the congregation appears to be about 97% positive, and we're working on the remaining 3%

Fighting a cold, which is quite irritating.

Also - All Denny's restaurants in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rica are giving away free Grand Slam breakfasts tomorrow between 6 AM and 2 PM. I'm going to go get me some.


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