Right Decision

Not a lawyer.

Today after church, one of our newest attendees told me one of the nicest things anyone's ever told me. He said, I'm glad you didn't become a lawyer. He was referencing the fact that the only other career I ever considered was as a lawyer in the area of criminal or civil law.

He said that if I had become a lawyer, then this church wouldn't have a pastor! I was so touched by his kind words.

Went to a new church plant tonight, led by my friends Andrew and Rebecca Stanley. It was the first service of Urban Journey (sounds familiar right?), a new church in the Dunbar area of Vancouver.

There was a real freshness to the service, and a sense of excitement at the birth of something new. As they were cleaning up after, it brought back all those memories of Urban Sanctuary and first@night. All those nights when Felicia and I would do everything - setting up, setting down, etc.

I really pray and hope for the organic and natural growth of this budding church.

Going back to the compliment my new friend paid me, I wonder how my life would have turned out if I had become a lawyer. I'd probably be away from home a lot more, probably a lot wealthier. I would probably still be involved in my local church to some extent. But, I suspect at some point I might have gotten bored with it, and sought out a ministry position, as many of my friends are starting to do right now. Eventually, everyone discovers the empty promises of consumerism, or else they choose to stay deluded and lied to by the marketers and advertisers.


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