Buried in Snow!

Sophia reads Grandpa's book:
The Jesus Way by Eugene Peterson
Grandpa reads Sophia's book:
Madeline Gets Sick.

Check out these signs - they look like the manager needs to hit certain numbers or he will be made to disappear forever.

Ok - this snow is getting a bit much. It was fun for a couple of days, now it's getting to be a bit of a drag. We had a big dinner planned for tonight with my mom cooking up a HUGE amount of amazing Indian food. And.... nobody could make it due to the snow fall. It was pretty disappointing.

We had a perfect Christmas day however. Adam still believes in Santa, and was overjoyed to see so many presents under the tree! Both kids got quite a few gifts, which led me to consider maybe a 3 gift max. at Christmas, just to curb the spirit of consumerism and materialism that can infect them early on. Also, hopefully next year, as a family we could do some kind of act of service around the holidays, so that we lift the attention off of ourselves.

We got the new Monopoly game- "Here and Now". It contains various cities from around the world - Vancouver is on it. All the prices are also in the millions. Instead of cash, you get a credit card, which you pay and get paid through an atm type of machine. It sounds cooler then it is - the stupid machine takes up a lot of time, and if you are the one operating the machine you can't focus on anything else.

I didn't get many gifts on Christmas day - a sweater and a gift card. But, today I bought some stuff on sale. The best thing is Bob Dylan's album "Tell Tale Signs" which is a collection of songs that didn't make some of his recent albums and also early renditions of current songs. The best thing about these "bootleg" albums is the booklets that come with them. They are usually lengthy essays written by some Dylan lover, along with many cool photos. This one is no exception.

I think tomorrow includes another date with the shovel.


Derek Vreeland said…
Tell Tale Signs was named the #2 album of the year in rolling stone. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/24958695/albums_of_the_year/2

I like Marchin' To the City...it morphed into "Till I Fell in Love with You" on Time Out of Mind. Marchin' is much more bluesy and apocalyptic.

I hope you enjoy the snow and Indian food. I would trade you.

It is going to be 70F today in South Georgia.

Merry Christmas!
Jessie Cherian said…
Both the pictures are soo funny!

I actually didn't want anything for Christmas except a book called 'Cover to Cover' by Selwyn Hughes that goes through the Bible in a chronological order. She couldn't find it as it is out of print in India :(

Hopefully, it won't snow after you shovel.

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