Bono, Christmas, Shepherding and Holidays (in that order)

I posted a video on Facebook of me relating the stories of meeting Bono twice. It elicited 7 comments which is quite a lot for me. Anyways, I guess meeting Bono not once but TWICE kinda puts me in a special class of humanity... (take that with a big grain of salt - total sarcasm here).

Today we had the children's Christmas presentation. There really is nothing that can quite renew you like watching little kids perform. Adam had the prime role of Joseph.... and he played the role more like a concentration camp inmate instead of someone about to usher in the savior of the world. He looked completely miserable and bored throughout the performance!!! You gotta see the video to truly appreciate his somber demeanor.

I don't think they had much to practice - there were quite a few lengthy awkward pauses as the kids waited for cued up music to start.

The church was quite full - which always makes a pastor feel better about his existance. I am no exception.

One thing I have been reflecting on a lot lately is the image of the pastor as shepherd. I have never really entered into that role like I have in the past 4 months. Obviously I can't get into any details about the specific situations I have had to deal with as a pastor. But, there have been some intense scenes involving doctors, police, hospitals and fractured families. Some of these issues are on-going, making for a very difficult Christmas season for many people.

As a shepherd, as you care for the flock entrusted to you, you start to develop a heart of compassion that goes quite deep. I've never felt I was particularly sensitive or compassionate, but due to the things I have seen and heard, I just feel so much empathy for the members of my church.

Being a pastor is quite a complex and complicated position. I hear these stories all week, and then on Sundays I stand up and try to relate how God and the Bible have any sort of relevant help to the mess of the human condition - no problem, right? (Sarcasm once again).

On a brighter note - I am taking some time off after Christmas Eve. I will be off from December 25 - January 5. I don't really have anything planned during that time. It is 2 Sundays I and the family won't be at the church. It will be the first Sunday I have missed since starting in July. December 28 - we have cancelled church!!! And someone else is preaching on January 4.

Anyways - Advent is good so far. My folks come on the 23rd, so that should be good.


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