You don't speak for me!

We join people in your country and around the world in congratulating you on becoming the President-elect of the United States. Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place. We note and applaud your commitment to supporting the cause of peace and security around the world. We trust that you will also make it the mission of your presidency to combat the scourge of poverty and disease everywhere. We wish you strength and fortitude in the challenging days and years that lie ahead. We are sure you will ultimately achieve your dream, making the United States of America a full partner in a community of nations committed to peace and prosperity for all.
- Full text of a message from Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa, to Senator Barack Obama, the first black president-elect of the United States of America.

So, the evangelical conservative fall-out has begun. I have received a number of e-mails from religious right organizations claiming that the end of the world has begun because of Barack's election. They are again reacting as if God had been voted out of power. They need to read the book of Exodus where God used the evil Pharoah to mete out his will. (Not saying Barack is evil, but these people need to realize that God's will will be done no matter who is in power.)

These right wing Christian leaders have lost all moral credibility among young evangelicals. They do not speak for me. They continue to foster a hybrid syncretistic Christian faith which fuses American Nationalism with conservative Christian belief.


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