One Step Closer to Knowing
Last night we had home group at our apt. We are studying "Renovation of the Heart" by Dallas willard. It is really good but a bit of a tough read. Someone in our group had asked that we pray for her last night for a potentially serious medical condition. Another girl in our group shared how she had suffered from very heavy bleeding for about 6 mths. It was getting so bad that she was advised to have her uterus taken out. She had never prayed for it, but a month ago when she was in our group she asked us to pray for her, without disclosing her ailment. We prayed. She did not bleed that night. She did not bleed the next day. The next week she still had not bled - she didn't want to call her doctor for fear of "jinxing" it! A month later she still has not bled.
Just as Jesus healed the bleeding woman 2000 years ago, he healed my friend. So we laid hands on this other girl who had requested prayer. I annointed her with oil and we prayed. Then I asked for prayer. Last winter and now this winter I have been sufferring from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Basically this means that with less sunlight, I feel more tired and down - my productivity becomes very low. I feel tired all the time and discouraged too. i wouldn't say I get depressed, I just don't feel like doing very much.
So they prayed for me. I am going to get one of those "light boxes" that are supossed to help. They cost about $300. But before I do I'm going to see if I got healed or not. I hope I did.
Today - write sermon - Abraham sacrificing Isaac - probably one of the most difficult texts in all of scripture. If I can preach this text, I can probably preach on any text.
"Yahweh - always pain before the child is born."
Just as Jesus healed the bleeding woman 2000 years ago, he healed my friend. So we laid hands on this other girl who had requested prayer. I annointed her with oil and we prayed. Then I asked for prayer. Last winter and now this winter I have been sufferring from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Basically this means that with less sunlight, I feel more tired and down - my productivity becomes very low. I feel tired all the time and discouraged too. i wouldn't say I get depressed, I just don't feel like doing very much.
So they prayed for me. I am going to get one of those "light boxes" that are supossed to help. They cost about $300. But before I do I'm going to see if I got healed or not. I hope I did.
Today - write sermon - Abraham sacrificing Isaac - probably one of the most difficult texts in all of scripture. If I can preach this text, I can probably preach on any text.
"Yahweh - always pain before the child is born."
- Jason (Mississauga)
The heart that hurts is a heart that beats.
see you in TO.
still, i'm waiting for the dawn.
Michael the Music intern