grey vancouver

today was one of those typical grey and rainy vancouver days. had lunch with mark. went over some questions from purpose drive life - had a nice chat about leadership/management typse stuff. then went to banana republic and bought felicia's b-day present. she liked it.

this afternoon i did some work on the first@night web-site which is coming along quite nicely thanks to the generosity of my old high-school buddy - joel milne-epp. he is also a u2 fanatic and has been a member of their fan club for quite some time - how long joel?

felicia just left for work - mark called - he sounds bored. he wants me and adam to come over there. i had to remind him that adam is 14 mths. old and goes to sleep at about 8:00.

going to watch last nights csi and try to finish up my sermon so that tomorrow is a bit more free.

adam is walking in and out of my office for no apparent reason.

i'm reading orthodoxy by g.k. chesterton for like the third time - he is such an astute writer and has kind of a prophetic voice, like c.s. lewis has.

cutest thing ever - adam crawled up for a hug - that is what love feels like.


Anonymous said…
I have to say that I have enjoyed putting your web site together... just having a problem picking the colours. I liked the olive.... tried changing it to blue, but not totally happy.... Fortunately it isn't my problem... just tell me what you want.

wrt U2 fan duration.... you were the one that I can credit for helping me take the stance and not be a luke warm U2 fan but to go hard. I have had significant setbacks (ie the garage sale my parents had while I was in Africa ... so long vinyl).

I just checked my files and I have Propagandas going back at least till 95, so have been on the official fan club for 10 yrs.

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