fatherhood rules

felicia is doing a double shift which means i have to stay home with the boy during the day- it was really awesome except for the times when he wouldn't stop crying.

tonight was especially fun as we played together for about an hour - we play this kind of slow person's hide and seek where he hides and then comes running out and laughs at me - then i scoop him up and tickle him.

he was so good tonight - when i said "sleepy time adam?" - "can you go get lammy?" lammy is his stuffed lamb that he goes to bed with. he got lammy and his soother and then walked into his room and stood in front of his crib. i picked him - we prayed together and then he lay down - no crying! what a great kid!

had a good meeting with a new guy at first@night - he's a very bright computer science student at ubc - he is on a journey of faith and it was quite exciting to hear the steps he is taking.

busy weekend - davinci code lecture is tomorrow and then grey cup pot-luck party on sunday.


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