
Finally slowly getting back in the swing of things, after the time away. A couple of guys and myself moved a bunch of stuff out of the school that our church has met in for the past 9 years. It was kind of weird. I'm really looking forward to the move to the theatre.

It is centrally located in Port Moody - in the same building as City Hall, in fact.

My health issue - I have touched briefly in past tweets and facebook status' and maybe even on here about a health issue I have been dealing with - Since February I have been having very bad sinus pain - I've gone on 3 rounds of antibiotics and an x-ray.

Today I saw an ENT specialist and his over eager resident. The diagnosis is.... nothing. There is nothing medically wrong with me. He said it's just stress. I guess that's good news - but I'm not sure how to treat it - green tea while listening to Enya?

He said good diet, exercise, plenty of rest should all help, and Advil. So basically that's it - stress.

I don't feel I have an excess of stress compared to other people - I have a stable job, a nice family, lots of friends, great extended family.

The only stress I could think of is the occasional blurt of stress happening in someone else's life that spills over into mu life, virtue of my job as a pastor. I always thought I worked out a lot of this stress by running and taking regular time off - guess that's not enough. Maybe I've been stuffing some stress down and now its popping up in a physical form.

Anyways, I'm going to pray about it and try to relax.

Other stuff - finished a lengthy N.T. Wright book on the New Testament which was very good. Also finally finished Good to Great which is more great than good.

Saw the Kings of Leon in concert - rocking good show.

Adam's b-day party coming up this Saturday - it has a pirate theme. I'm going to dress up like Keith Richards and stumble around mumbling. Should be fun.


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