
Lost started its new season with some trippy time travelling. I'm wondering if they are going to start to meander further away from reality like Heroes seemed to.

Speaking of Lost - for some reason firefox has lost all my bookmarks!!!! I am working on Safari from now on, out of protest.

Church continues to be quite hectic. I find my schedule filling up 4-6 weeks in advance now. This coming week, I am gone Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday - prayer retreat with about 30 other pastors. All day Friday I will be at Missionsfest. Missionsfest is awesome. Its just so encouraging to see so many Christians together. Campolo is speaking again this year - I think he speaks like every other year. I think I'm going to finally get my picture taken with him - I am not really into that kind of thing, or getting people to sign books they've written. But it was Campolo's message over 20 years ago that changed the course of my life - so it would be cool to have a permanent record of the man that God used in a fairly profound way in my life. (That was a terrible sentence.)

Looking forward to my sabbath tomorrow. We are going into Van. to see a friend and do some shopping at Granville Island. Should be fun.


Jeff Logan said…
I have always liked Campolo. I heard him speak not long after I became a Christian and was impressed.

I actually just sent in the final documents to Eastern University accepting their invitation into the PhD program at Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

I am excited because I get to go down to Philadelphia 3 times a year for coursework and will get to interact with folks along the lines of Campolo.

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