We rang in the New Year with just a couple of other friends. One of the couples had brought their kids, hoping they would fall asleep here. At 10:30, their kids were still running around, so we decided to make 11:00 into midnight and toast the new year an hour early.

So, at 11:00 PST we toasted the new year with sparkling BC shiraz wine, instead of the traditional French champagne - in my opinion the shiraz is better.

It was a nice evening, playing Guitar Hero, eating good food. One of our good friends who was there was also celebrating the fact that 2 years ago on New Years Eve, he dedicated his life to Jesus Christ. So, we spent some time praying and thanking God gor what he had done in his life. It was a great night.

2008 was a pretty tumultous year for us. The biggest change of course was the new job and new home and new city. Well, the new city is a suburb of Vancouver, so not that big a change.

Internally, I think I have changed in the fact that I have more confidence in what I believe I have been called by God to do. I know even 3 years ago, I probably would not be able to do what I am doing now.

Looking forward to 2009, and how the story will unfold.


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