Best Movies of 2008

And here they are - out of the 50-60 movies I saw this year, these ones were the best:

1. Slumdog Millionaire - If you didn't love this movie, there's something wrong with you. Danny Boyle gives us another heart churning tale of dreams, hope and tragedy. I lived in Mumbai 8 years ago, this movie triggered all kinds of memories of that incredible caohtic city. Already nominated for some golden globes, is starting to generate some serious Oscar buzz.

2. Wall-E - Possibly the best Pixar film ever. I still think Finding Nemo and Toy Story 1 and 2 are amazing films. Wall-E gives a sobering message to a society determined to shop and eat itself to death. Strong biblical themes emerge - a man and woman and the tree of life start a new humanity.

3. Taxi to the Dark Side - A movie you've never heard of. There were a number of films that emerged, critical of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq and Gitmo. This was the strongest.

4. Let the Right One In - Forget those teenie bop Twilight flicks. This is a REAL vampire film that will freak you out for sure.

5. Dark Knight - Aren't superhero films getting better and better? Heath Ledger is sure to get a post0humous Oscar nomination for the best acting by anyone of the past year. The film was dark, but excellent.

6. Iron Man - Another great superhero flick. Robert Downey Jr. is one heck of an actor. This had all the elements of a block-buster.

7. U23D - The only movie on the list, beside Slumdog that I saw twice. Revolutionary 3d technology was used to capture the greatest band at the top of their form. It would have been neat to see some behind the scenes stuff. The chepaest U2 concert you will ever see.

8. The Visitor - Heartwarming tale of human beings being human to one another. A post-9/11 fable that will touch your heart.

9. Boy A - Are some actions really unforgivable. A harrowing tale of a young man trying to hide from a hellish act from his past.

10. Young At Heart - This film will cause you to smile for a long time afterward. A documentary about senior citizens in a choir that only sings rock songs - coldplay, the ramones, sex pistols, etc. Beautiful, beautiful.

So, there you have it - the movies I enjoyed.


Anonymous said…
I'm glad you included Young@Heart on your list.

Seeing it was one of the most uplifting movie-going experiences I've had in a long time.
Anonymous said…
We depend on someone like you and my son-in-law to recommend movies for us, being of another generation but not wanting to completely lose touch. So thanks for a list of recommendations that will catch us up to being just a little less behind, Pastor Santosh.
Anonymous said…
We just rented and watched The Visitor. What an amazing story - it makes me cry to see people treated like that, and with a cold that is not an easy accomplishment. Thank you so much to including it in your blog. Blessings, and keep up the good work.

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