Go Barack.... and Thoughts on Pastoral Care

Like the rest of the world, I watched history take place as Obama was sworn in today. The house was empty. I liked Rick Warren's prayer. Obama's speech was simply electrifying. I am also reading his first book "The Audacity of Hope" - the guy is really really eloquent.

I'm pretty excited for America.

I spent pretty much the whole day at the hospital today, with the family of the woman from our church who is very very ill. I can't believe how draining it is just being there with them. There is obviously very little we can do. I read scripture from time to time and prayed. But mainly, just sat there in silence, or making small talk now and then.

There was something quite sacred and peaceful about that hospital room. By the time I got home, I was in no shape to try to focus on my sermon, so I rested a bit and did some light reading. I will head back tomorrow morning again.

Anyways, another learning experience for this pastor.


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