None are Precious in His Sight - Richard Dawkins

I hate kids.

I believe the most famous atheist in the world is losing his mind.
Last month Richard Dawkins wrote that we shouldn't condemn what he called "mild pedophilia". The term itself is a stunning.
Pedophilia might be a lot of things but the one thing it can never be is "mild".

And now Dawkins has stumbled again in the twtterverse.
Some misguided seeker mentioned that they would be in a real dilemma if they found out the child in their womb had Down's syndrome.
And here the ever compassionate anti-God professor let's loose with this missive:

Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.

It is more moral to terminate a Down's Syndrome child, than to give it a loving family.
I wonder why stop at the womb? In Dawkin's world, perhaps it is moral to terminate any kid that doesn't measure up to whatever standards Dawkins deems worthy of life.

Children with Down's Syndrome are not a mistake.
Children with autism are not a mistake.
Nor are blind children or deaf children.

I contrast Dawkin's callousness with something I saw last week.
I had the privilege along with 15 other people from my church to be able to participate in the Leadership Summit out of Willow Creek Church in Chicago.
As part of the Summit, a special ministry was profiled. Willow Creek has a large and significant ministry among children with special needs - providing all kinds of ministries and programs to support these precious children and their families.

A video was played of the kids practicing a dance routine to Katy Perry's song "Roar". As the video died down, all of a sudden all these beautiful kids burst onto the stage and did their energetic dancing.
It was beautiful.
I was glad none of their parents had had the chance to listen to Dawkin's stupid advice. If they had, 90 000 leaders watching across America wouldn't have had their hearts touched by the purity of those kids.

The speaker who followed the kids said, "That is not the best thing I have ever seen at the Summit - that is simply the best thing I have ever seen".

Dawkins' comment betray the ethics emerge out of a naturalistic worldview. Care for the poor, marginalized and disabled cannot emerge from the ethics of pragmatic naturalism.

So, you want "mild" pedophilia and the morality of aborting disabled kids, become an atheist like Dawkins.
But, if you want a worldview where "all are precious in his sight", then follow the only religious leader, Jesus Christ, who encouraged the little children to come to him .... because he loves them .... ALL of them.


heidiann(e) said…
Thank you for sharing these words here.

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