Mars Hill: The Only Way Out is Down

I am actually completely stunned at the continued fallout of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. The latest wrinkle is that 9 CURRENT pastors have now publicly stated their opinion that Mark Driscoll should step down for an entire year instead of his current 6 week staycation.

Now, one of those 9 pastors has been fired.

The most damning observations of the church comes from respected pastor, speaker and author Paul David Tripp. Tripp served on the accountability board of Mars Hill for awhile until he realized the board could not do very much, least of all provide actual accountability.
Here are some snippets from Tripp:

"I don't think even now that there is the recognition of the depth of what Mars Hill Church and Mark is actually dealing with. This is without a doubt the most abusive, coercive ministry culture I've ever been involved with."
"What is happening is they are managing a crisis, instead of dealing with the deep personal sin at the bottom of the crisis."

This is bad.
This is dark.
This is shameful.

We are witnessing what happens when ego, success and power become secret idols in the heart of a leader. While publicly we can say and write all the right things - our inner lives can be dark, corrupt and damaged. The worst thing is the fallout in the local church and the scorn that comes our way form those outside the faith.

The hurt for those still IN Mars Hill must be deep to see their leader fall and their church crack and totter. And the watching world has a good snicker as their stereotypes of Christians gets reinforced.

The only path forward out of this mess is continued repentance, genuine sorrow and humility.
My only fear is that these tools of the Spirit have been so long neglected in this church that they will be difficult to recognize. Which means there might simply be more cover up, deception and prolonged pain for more and more people.

God have mercy.


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