Sophia is Wisdom

Wisdom Ponders

Sophia was sitting next to me at my desk this morning. She was coloring a princess coloring book. I was reading "The Descent of the Dove" by Charles Williams - a history of the Holy Spirit in the church.

She turned to me and asked, "Why did you name me Sophia?"
I answered, "Sophia means wisdom, so we thought you would be wise."
"What is wisdom?"
"Wisdom means that you are smart.

About a 7 second pause before, "I am wisdom."

Then back to coloring and reading.

A series of errands and house-hold activities followed until dinner.

We ate dinner at around 5:30. It was at this point that Sophia's early revelation about her name became actualized. Out of the blue with no appropriate context or prompting she blurted out:

"Nobody knows anything except Jesus."

I immediately pulled out my newly antiquated iphone 4 and tweeted her words.

I haven't been able to put that sentence out of my mind.

"Nobody knows anything except Jesus."

In one sharp line Sophia decimated all human knowledge. I come from a family of educated people. Almost everyone in my family has advanced degrees in something. I did a Masters at one of the top Christian graduate colleges in the world. I ponder getting a Doctor in Ministry.

Soon I will be working at Ithaca New York among some of the leading academic minds at Cornell University. I won't be at Cornell, but at a church with close ties to the college, so I'll be rubbing shoulders with those smart folk. But,

"Nobody knows anything except Jesus."

Sophia has shown me there is a stunning limit to human knowledge. We can study, research and read our whole lives, but it produces such an infinitismal amount when compared to the mind of the divine.
Although her statement can be taken in a pessimistic way, it actually gives me great comfort.

"Nobody knows anything except Jesus." - If this is true, then Jesus compensates for the incredible amount of insecurity I often feel when making decisions in my life. There are so many areas of life that we are simply stumbling in the dark, hoping and praying we are doing the right thing. But, if Jesus is the only one who knows anything - then he knows what is best for me.

And I can trust him. And my fears are eased. And my troubles are calmed. And .... everything is going to be OK.

Thanks Sophia for fulfilling your name today.


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