She Has A Name - Review

Felicia and I went out last week. Our normal date nights usually consist of either dinner or a movie. Last week we did something different, we went to a play. She Has A Name is a play that has been touring across Canada. It is currently playing in the Vancouver Fringe Festival. It is directed by a very talented friend of mine from Regent, Stephen Waldenschmidt.

The story is about a teen prostitute trafficked into a brothel from another country in South East Asia. She is befriended by a worker for a NGO seeking to rescue girls like her. Throughout the play 3 actresses in white robes enter in and out providing background narration through chanting rhymes and poetry. Not sure if they were supposed to be actual angels, but they were a very creative touch.

The story is also unique because it shows the toll the job takes on the worker from the NGO - the pain of seeing the young girls being trafficked and ogled by other men and the pain of being away from his wife and kids.

I thought this play was fantastic and would highly recommend you take it in if it is playing in your city. In Vancouver they included a couple of nights where there would be people working to fight the exploitation of women in the sex trade.

It is hard to use art for socio-political change - but this one manages to do it extremely well.

Here's the web-site:


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