In The Line Of Fire

Ready, Aim......

When you are a preaching pastor, you are in the public eye. Every week you stand up in front of a group of people - it could be 10 or it could be 10 000.

Because of who you are and what you stand for, your life is scrutinized and analyzed. People watch how you treat them, they watch what movies you go to, and what places you go to.

And people are needy - some people are very very needy - like needy for professional help. These types of people have unprocessed hurt, frustration and anger in their lives. And, these types of people tend to take out their hurt on pastors.

I think this is because people know pastors won't return in kind - because we are supposed to be imitators of Christ who never struck back. And that is true - not just pastors, but all Christians are not supposed to strike back at those who hurt us.

We want to. We want to throw the hurt right back at the person who hurt us. But, Jesus guides us and shows us that just like Him, it is possible to actually absorb the hurt of the other person.

In time, we gain the wisdom and insight to see that the person who is trying to hurt us, is actually tied up in all kinds of pain themselves. And that fact should help dull their jousts at us.

I write this, because in the past year, I have encountered rabid attacks from some people. Hurtful words, and people who end up leaving because I didn't do or say something the way they would have liked.

I would be lying if I said these words and actions of others didn't hurt. Of course they hurt - sometimes deeply, sometimes to the point where I can't sleep at night, or even worse I lash out at Felicia over something minor.

I remember what my former professor and friend, Stan Grenz told me: "Every time you encounter criticism, analyze it, see if there is any truth in it, take the truth out and learn from it. Also, always always - look at the source."

Wise words. And words that everyone needs to take to heart, because we live in a fallen world full of men and women whose particular wounding makes them lash out at innocent bystanders.

So, when you face criticism, the best response is usually no response - look at Jesus. He just stood before his accusers and let the accusations fly.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Does the person who commented not realize that every time you hurt a pastor you are hurting Jesus? He has been set apart for doing the sacred work that God commissioned him for.Instead pray for him that he will continue to have much passion for God and compassion for people. Pray for God's protection for him and his family and stop hindering the work of God.
ReverendKathryn said…
It is true that ministry (and other professions) attract the needy type. It is true that ministers are scrutinized for their lives and how they treat others. People decide whether or not to trust you, etc. The problem or dilemma with ministering to the needy type is that there has be to boundaries, especially in ministry. As you said, we are called to be like Christ and be Christ-like. But I remind you that even Christ called people on their issues. He wasn't rude, but he was honest. Christ held people accountable for their actions and hopefully that is part of ministering to the needy types as well. I realize there are manipulative types, and there are those personalities that don't want to change, but still demand help. It is a fine line as we are called to help those in need, but we don't want to push them away from what our faith tradition has to offer. The "if that's what your God is like, then who needs it" thought can be a hard blow. It takes a discerning eye to see what the "needy" (and draining type) really need. And it takes courage and strength to refer them to someone who can provide what they need. I hear your pain.

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