The Murphy's Law Day

Why did you go to Winnipeg?

I have this inner practice of gratitude that I try to carry on throughout the day. What I do, is I silently try to thank God for everything that goes RIGHT during the day. I find this helps prevent me from being side-lined from everything that can go wrong.

So, today, I am thankful that the coffee maker worked, that the shower worked, that my lap-top and wireless connection work.... you get the idea.

Today's problems: My current iphone has something wrong w. it - it drops pretty much every call that I make or receive. Rogers has tried countless times to fix it, and have finally decided to simply send me a new one.

They sent the new phone on May 25, from Delta to Port Moody. Should've taken a day, right? On May 27th the phone was scanned in Winnipeg Manitoba, and was labelled as "out for delivery". And that is the last anyone has heard or seen of the phone - it is out for delivery in Winnipeg Manitoba.

I spent yesterday and today on the phone w. both UPS and Rogers to try to find this prodigal phone. Today, Rogers finally put a trace on it, which they informed me would take 7-10 days to resolve. So, I asked, what do I do in the mean time? My only phone, which is also the church phone doesn't work. I get a loaner phone for the time being.

And then the movers called saying they are going to be an hour late - so everything is pretty much working out.

But, I am grateful for the sun outside, a new home to live in, friends.... This gratitude thing is basically the only thing that is staying my tongue and blood pressure from going through the roof.



Jeff Logan said…
They must have figured that , now that you're a full-fledged Mennonite, everything had to go through Steinbach!! On a related is the beard comin'?

John Smith and Thomas Helwys' loss is Menno Simons' gain. I will eventually get Skype working and we can talk!!
nick said…
Hey, wait for 7-10 days and by that time the NEW iPhone will be out!

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