tom - all is forgiven
had an incredible first@night last night. over 100 people showed up to hear mark buchanan speak. what was amazing was that these people showed up with absolutely no marketting or advertizing push. normally when i have a special speaker i put up 25-50 posters throughout the downtown core.
yet without this, we had our biggest crowd ever - people were standing at the back and the sides. today i took as my last official vacation day. did a little bit of work from home.
went and saw mission impossible III this afternoon with phil. tom all is forgiven. the crazy scientology crap. jumping on the couch cuz you were so in love with whats-her-name. saying medicine is unneccsary
all is forgiven - this movie rocks!!! i really enjoyed it. good action, etc. etc.
i feel i'm in my own mission impossible trying to keep first@night going through the summer with no income!!!
also reading "simple christian" by tom wright. i think wright is one of the most gifted christian writers right now. he has some interesting things to say about truth which i'd like to expand on in the next few days on this blog. would also welcome a bit of dsicussion on what he says. will try to post something on it tomorrow.
Cruise is good at playing super intense hyper-kinetic wackos because he appears to be a super intense hyper-kinetic wacko!
-Warren L.
i think it was the best of the 3. i couldn't follow the plot at all of the first one - it was so convoluted.