God really loves you

As I started my retreat I had a real yearning that I would be able to share something I had been struggling with. I didn't know who it would be but I had a sense that God would lead me to the right person soon. I was seeking an older, wiser seasoned ministry veteran who would counsel me and pray for me. Well, did God have something in store for me!!!

So today I had a real gift from God. I mentioned yesterday that Leighton Ford was at the same retreat center as me. (Leighton Ford is Billy Graham's brother-in-law. He was an associate evangelist for 30 yrs. with him. He was then the director of the Lausanne Committee of World Evnagelization. Now he devotes his time to mentoring young leaders around the world. See www.leightonfordministries.org) Today I had the honor of having him mentor ME.

So this morning I met him and he asked ME if we could chat later - shouldn't that be the other way around?
So I go up and do some of my praying, meditiating and journalling alone in my room. Around noon I wander down to the main room to see what's going on. Leighton spots me and says he has time now. He goes upstairs and drops something off and then we head out to a couple of deck chairs.

I start to share my story with him. Then I tell him how for the past month I had been living with regret over a major decision I had made almost a year ago. I felt I may have made the wrong decision out of pride, instead of believing it was God's will. Leighton was very kind as he helped me unpack what was going on inside of me.

He then asked me what I needed to do the ministry I was called to. I told him and he told me to get it. One of the wisest things he said was from Buechner: "Vocation is where your greatest passion meets the world's greatest need." I love that. After about half an hour he prayed for me.

Then he invited me to join him and the other 10 pastors for lunch. Leighton is mentoring this group of leaders who are from all over North America. It was awesome meeting some of these choice men and women of God.

This event reminded me of what my mom told me when I phoned her and excitedly told her I had just met Bono in a diner in Vancouver. She said, "Aw, God really loves you."

Yes he does.


Anonymous said…
Wow, that is so exciting and encouraging. I need to hear these stories, espcially these days. Thanks for sharing.

Santosh said…
it was in all seriousness one of the high points in my life as god orchestrated a divine encounter that made it clear he has all our needs in mind
Anonymous said…
do not trust him. i have been mentored by a man of a similar name named leyton ford. i believe this man is of the same girth. i am 5'5" weigh 160 and run side-to-side. i am lightening fast. do not trust the ford brothers.


theodore nancey

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