i roll both night and day

i forgot to mention that on sat. night we had a leadership team dinner and meeting - first@night covered dinner at the cactus club in yaletown (up to 20 bucks/person) - we're still on a budget. then we had a meeting at our place. then we played cranium which was pretty fun.

today - prepared the jan-may overview for first@night. from jan-easter we are studying the character of jacob in genesis. then we have a palm sunday and easter services. then we study joseph until the end of may.

it takes us 8 mths. to get through genesis! i also have a couple of guest speakers scheduled. also the last week of feb. and the first 2 weeks of march i am away. in feb. i am in calgary and in march i am in ireland and england! i've been invited by the baptist union to travel with a few other pastors to attend a conference in sheffield and then visit some emerging type churches in cork and dublin i think. i'm pretty psyched about it.

got a couple of movies tonight - but felicia's pretty bagged so i don't think she's going to make it.

"Flew off early in the haze of dawn
in a metal dragon locked in time,
skimming waves of an underground sea
in some kind of a dream world fantasy"


Anonymous said…
I don't believe it... last night I book a flight to Vancouver for the first weekend in March, and you take off to Sheffield (don't forget to protest at that reactor). I was hoping to make your church a stop in my visit. oh well... next time
Santosh said…
that is bad luck or karma or something. are you coming alone or with the whole family?

you can still see felicia and adam - also the church will still be holding a service. you should go anyways.

i forgot about the sheffield reactor protest from years ago.

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