Victoria Day

Went to Superstore with Felicia and Adam today. Got inspired and bought some veal which I later cooked up using the most complicated recipe I have ever seen - I cooked parsnips - I never even knew what parsnips were before today.

Also took Adam to Starbucks to meet some international students that come to our internationals ministry that I speak at every Friday. There's one really cool guy from Togo named Yowo (sp?). He's a very skilled chef who has worked at some of the best restaurants in the city - I really like the guy. Adam provided a lot of entertainment, wriggling around and yelling from time to time.

Felicia goes back to work tomorrow which means I become Mr. Mom - could be great or could be another disaster in my life. What else - uh, almost finished the book Uneccesary Pastor by Eugene Peterson and Marva Dawn - Marva's concluding chapter on creating community should be required reading for all pastors - she just has so much wisdom and insight into what legitamte community should look like.

Anyways - its 11:30 - just finished watching 3 hours of tv! Season finale of 24 which did not disappoint. And then The Shield which is this gritty cop show which I really like. I'll probably read for a bit then go to sleep. I am reading Watership Down by Richard Adams. It's about a bunch of rabbits - seriously! The former president of Regent college said it is the best book on leadership he has ever read - I'm still trying to see how but I'm only a little ways into it.


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