Lazy Day

This could well go down as one of the laziest day of my life. Rolled around in bed until about 9:00. Woke up and sat with Felicia and Adam and listened to a tape by Gordon Fee on preaching from paul. great quote "it is a sin to preach a boring sermon" - amen!

then ate some breakfast, read my bible. then we all went downtown to look at a supossed sale at sport check but it didn't look like much of a sale. ambled back to yaletown. picked up some sushi and had a sort of picnic in the park. around 3:00 we came home and we all had a nap. i did a little reading and then feeling guilty, went down to the treadmill for a quick work-out.

had some supper, kissed felicia good-bye, put adam to sleep and then watched tv. now here i am.

this boring day has ended up in one boring blog

all apologies.


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