2017 Books

I read 67 books in 2017. 19 of them were related to my doctoral dissertation. Looking over the list is like remembering good friends I got to spend time with. I will probably post a bit more about which books stood out to me and why.

The best Christian book I read was "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A'Kempis. This is the third time reading this book for me. This book is almost like a sacrament in terms of being able to draw someone in into the presence of God. It is a book to be read slowly and prayerfully.

The best novel I read was Home by Marilynne Robinson. She is currently my favorite living writer. Her writing can best be described as poetic soul craft. She is truly unparalleled in terms of skill and gift.

Here are the books I read:

1. Ultimate Prizes - Susan Howatch
2. The Imitation of Christ - Thomas A’Kempis (3rd time)
3. Welcoming but not Affirming - Stanley J. Grenz
4. The Bible and Homosexual Practice - Robert Gagnon
5. Bible Gender Sexuality - James Brownson
6. John Calvin : Reformer for the 21st. C. 
- William Stacy Johnson
7. The Pastor as Minor Prophet - M. Craig Barnes
8. Honest Evangelism - RICO Tice
9. The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni (2nd time)
10. Making Sense of God - Tim Keller
11. Powers of Darkness - Clinton Arnold
12. The Shack - William Paul Young (2nd time)
13. The Fellowship of the Ring - JRR Tolkien (2nd time)
14. A More Christ-like God - Brad Jersak
15. Is God anti-gay - Sam Allberry
16. Your God is Too Safe - Mark Buchanan
17. Step On a Crack - James Paterson
18. Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman
19. Home - Marilynne Robinson
20. Raising Lambs among Wolves - Mark Bubeck
21. The Evangelicals - Frances FitzGerald 
22. The Other 6 Days - R. Paul Stevens
23. Leadership and self-deception - arbinger institute
24. A Tale of Three Kings - Gene Edwards (2nd time)
25. Praying with Paul - D.A. Carson
26. Amplified Leadership - Dan Reiland DMIN
27. Culture Making - Andy Crouch
28. The Two Towers - Tolkien (2nd time)
29. Camino Island - John Grisham
30. Squirrel meets Chipmunk - David Sedaris
31. On Purpose Leadership - Dale Galloway DMIN
32. The Blazing World - Siri Hustvedt
33. The Connecting Church 2.0 - Randy Frazee 
34. As Kingfishers Catch Fire - Eugene Peterson
35. The Return of the King - JRR Tolkien (2nd time)
36. The Christian View of Man - J. Gresham Machen
37. Killers of the Osage Moon - David Grann 
38. Telling the Truth - D. A. Carson, editor
39. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman - PD James
40. The Fellowship - The Literary Lives of the Inklings - Philip and Carol Zaleski
41. Spiritual Rhythm- Mark Buchanan
42. A Hope in the Unseen - Ron Suskind
43. Without Roots - Pope Benedict XVI and Marcelo Pera
44. The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer
45. It’s Your Time - Joel Osteen
46. How to Pray - R.A. Torrey
47. Theft by Finding Diaries 1977-2002 - David Sedaris
48. Sing! - Keith and Kristyn Getty

Dissertation Books
  1. Center Church - Tim Keller (2nd time)
  2. Lifestyle Evangelism - Joseph Aldrich
  3. Out of the Saltshaker - Rebecca Pippert
  4. Humble Apologetics - John Stackhouse
  5. The Shaping of Things to Come - Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost (3rd time)
  6. The Master Plan of Evangelism - Robert Coleman
  7. The Mission of Jesus - Howard Belben
  8. Foolishness to the Greeks - Leslie Newbign (2nd time)
  9. The Open Secret - Leslie Newbign (2nd time)
  10. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society - Leslie Newbign (2nd time0
  11. Becoming a Contagious Christian - Bill Hybels
  12. Just walk Across the Room - Bill Hybels
  13. Becoming a Contagious Church - Mark Mittleberg
  14. How to Reach Secular People - George Hunter
  15. Evangelism - Mack Stiles
  16. Telling Others - Nicky Gumbel
  17. Power Evangelism - John Wimber
  18. How to Give Away your Faith - Paul Little
  19. Evangelism in the Early Church - Michael Green



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