Sinner to Saint

We live with this constant battle between doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing.
Christian theology calls the wrong thing, sin.

This evil, this brokeness, this sin nestles deep inside of each of us, threatening to lash out and destroy all that is precious to us.

Sin accumulates at a compound rate, often drawing others into its orbit.

We use rational arguments and legal prohibitions to place restraints around sin.

It is a paradox of human history that rapid technological and cultural advances can take place in tandem with advances in human depravity.
Shadows follow the light.

We often fight evil through physical, structural, political and legal means.
But it's not enough.
There is no law strong enough to penetrate into the human heart.

Liberation from sin and evil is achieved when Jesus Christ enters into your life and expels the darkness within.
Once this initial liberation takes place, the Holy Spirit of God begins to alter, reform and renew the resources of heart, mind and soul.

And we begin the journey to becoming saints.
Becoming a saint is the true destiny of every human being and we will live lives of perpetual frustration if we are not advancing toward that goal.


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