Love One Another

Jesus Christ said the two most important things that human beings can do is love God and love on another.

Nothing else comes close to these two commands.

In fact, if we fulfill these two commands, we fulfill every command.

The clue to loving one another is found in something that the apostle Paul wrote to a group of Christians.

He wrote:

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

The love of one another comes into its full manifestation when we see another human being burdened by something, and we come along and carry that burden for them.

We take the pain off of them and place it on ourselves.

This type of self- sacrifice is the fullest evolution of love.

But, it also runs completely counter to our culture that has placed self on the altar.

It is only when the self is emptied of selfishness and greed that the love Jesus spoke of becomes manifest in our lives.

And that is hard. But it also leads to true joy.

Joy and fulfillment will remain ever elusive in a culture bent on living only for its own pleasures.


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