Why I Support Occupy Wall Street.... FIGHT THE POWER

By now, most of you are aware of this growing movement in America called "Occupy Wall Street". Tomorrow it crosses the broder to the north with a demonstration in Vancouver. I have a day filled up with kids birthday parties and the mayors prayer breakfast, otherwise I would be there.

Here is why I support this movement:

We are at a time in human history when large corporations and mammoth financial institutions hold a disproportionate amount of power over the economic, social and culture development of civilization.
Most of the practices of large corporations are in direct destruction of our already fragile eco-system. Until responsibility and care are brought in, we are all living on borrowed time.
Unrestricted capitalism has led to the dehumanization and commodification of human life. We have denuded human beings of their souls and dignity. People are mere commodities in the current economic model. And when that happens, empires fall. When material goods and products are more valuable then human life, then civilization is in a free-fall.
Wall Street firms have been gambling with sub-prime mortgages since the Clinton Administration. They have disregarded the rule of law, with almost complete impunity. Here's the great Chris Hedges:
"The radicals have seized power and they have trashed all regulations and legal impediments to a corporate reconfiguration of American society into a form of neo-feudalism."

I support Occupy Wall Street because I believe that an institution like Goldman Sachs needs to be held accountable for the economic and social tsunami they have unleashed on the middle class, working class and the poor of America. You hand out sub-prime mortgages to people, and then use the assets from those mortgages as gambling chips then you have acted immorally and should be held accountable.
Listen to what Yahweh says in Jeremiah 5:
They have become rich and powerful and have grown fat and sleek.
Their evil deeds have no limit; they do not seek justice.
They do not promote the case of the fatherless;
they do not defend the just cause of the poor.
Should I not punish them for this?, declares the Lord.

Chuck D says:



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