Jack Layton: the Best of the Bunch

Like most Canadians I was shocked and saddened by the passing of Jack Layton. Full disclosure: I'm pretty conservative politically and socially, but I do like the commitment to justice and the poor that marks the NDP.

Jack Layton seemed to be the best our country could offer in the political arena. He was a man of integrity and eloquence. He had a commitment to the poor, and those often overlooked by those in power.

Layton pulled off the incredible feat of being the leader of the Official Opposition - when only a few years ago the NDP were written off as being finished in federal politics.

He won in politics, but sadly lost in health. A keen intellect and passion for Canada were no match for the cancer cells that regrouped and returned in his body. His death shows us the fragility of life. Layton's followers went from jubilation to mourning in just a few short months.

There are Canadians who didn't like his policies, but they still liked him. His final words to Canadians are eloquent expressions that testify to the solidity of this man taken far too soon from us:

My friends, love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.
And we'll change the world.



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