Blindside and other thoughts

Well, what have we here - a blog post - wow!!! Things are really picking up for old Dreams Unlocked.

I remember when I first started blogging - I was obsessed with being listed on as many fellow bloggers, "blog-rolls" as possible. Now - I barely check anyone else's. I guess I don't get as much ego boost from internet connectivity as I used to.

Saw the movie Blindside tonight. It's a movie of a wealthy white Christian family who adopt a poor homeless black boy - he goes on to play in the NFL. This movie has been raved about by many Christians - and some prominent Christian leaders. Sandra Bullock won the Oscar for her performance in this film. (Sadly her own blindside would come soon after winning the award, as reports of her husband's serial infidelity began to circulate).

The movie had a nice story, that I am sure will touch you. But, as an actual film, I found it quite weak - there are no break-out performances - even Bullock's didn't really blow me away. The dialogue is painful at times.

It seemed more like a hall-mark movie of the week, rather than the box office blockbuster that it turned out to be.

Family seems to be doing well. Little James is growing and growing, and giving us all much joy.

Ministry is also going well - along with the expected challenges that pop up from time to time.

Adam starts his spring-break tomorrow. We're not going anywhere, but have promised him some day-trips to the Aquarium, Granville island and the wave pool.

Anyways - short post.


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