How Twitter Killed My Blogging

I've been on Twitter for awhile now. I have to confess, I really like it - I don't know why, but I like the ability to give a quick snap-shot of what I am up to.

And what I have realized is that my blogging has suffered dramatically. I think it is because I feel I don't need to give an extended analysis of stuff, I have given a brief update about earlier.

I've been feeling a little ambivalent about this blog lately.

When I got into blogging 5 years ago, I felt like I was entering this whole other universes, and that if you were a young emerging type leader you HAD to have a blog, and more importantly your blog needed to be linked up with this whole other network of emergent bloggers - alas my little blog never really scaled such heights.

But, the bloom is off the blogging rose for me now, and recently I feel as if my life has gotten a bit busier to keep it up.

But then again, I do enjoy opining on all matters from music to faith to coffee, so maybe the blog will live to see another day.

Its midnight and I'm in the basement office tidying up some stuff. Church was good today. Mike Todd spoke. Mike is an interesting fella and a much better blogger than I am! Mike spoke on Christianity and politics, and was very thoughtful and challenging - heard nothing but positives after.

We had a couple of friends from our old church plant over for lunch (they visited HMCC today). That was fun. After lunch I went to buy some component that our new wii needed. Yep, the Ninans have finally entered the 90's by buying a game console. We only have the game that it came with, but its all we need for now - I am coveting the beatles rock band or guitar hero 5. A trip to Seattle and a Canadian dollar at par should provide in the near future.

I visited a local sbux and tried a pumpkin spice latte which was quite tasty. Cracked open a new book - actually an old book - almost 1000 years old: Little Flowers of St. Francis - should be pretty good.

Came home and played wii with the boy for about an hour.

Felicia and I watched "Sunshine Cleaning" tonight which is a cute, touching little movie.

And that's it - that's all she wrote for October 18 2009.


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