Wine and Fruit


I am enjoying a bowl of Fruit Loops with a glass of Chilean Chardonnay, cuz that's just the way I roll.

Been enjoying the weather lately: tennis, hiking, etc.

I am nearing the end of our series through Exodus. I think I started preaching on Exodus in September - so we have been studying it as a community for almost 9 months. Still unsure on what series we will do next.

After the Regent Pastors Conference, I am thinking I should do a series on the life of Christ. Summer is always tricky for a church - you have a lot of people away, and attendance is pretty sketchy. I myself will most likely not be preaching for at least 4 sundays between June and August.

I am taking a 2 week study break in July, where I will chart out all my sermons from September - May of the coming year. And then in August, we are taking 2 weeks vacation to Alberta - my family will be in Banff celebrating my parents' 40th anniversary. 

The Pastors Conference was really good - Earl Palmer and Fleming Rutledge were the plenary speakers. I have heard Palmer a lot - he is fantastic. I had never heard of Rutledge before - I thought she was sort of just ok - good content, but delivery was about average. There were quite a few old Baptist and Regent friends that were fun to see.

The big take away is that our preaching needs to be centered on Christ. Sounds simple enough, but it is easy to get distracted in our preaching.


Jessie Cherian said…
Sophia looks really beautiful. I hope you've got hard copies in an album somewhere so she can see them when she's grown up!

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