Finally, a Mennonite!

Santosh and Sophia - Mennonites.

I had my credentialling  interview with the Mennonite Brethren denomination today. Felicia, the chairman of our church's leadership board and I sat before a council of 8 pastors and denominational leaders. We were peppered with a variety of doctrinal and personal questions.

The interview lasted an hour and a half, and the questions were varied in their scope from my views on divorce and remarriage to how I would help a church escape the idol of consumerism. I was pretty drained after.

After the questioning, they confer with the chairman from our church for a few minutes, while Felicia and I sweat it out in another room. After about 10 minutes, they all came out and affirmed that I am credited and licensed with the denomination.

A lot of people have asked what this actually means. Being accredited with a denomination, is akin to passing the bar exam or being admitted into the royal college of physicians - it is basically being recognized by a professional academy of your peers. It also gives you a little bit of accountability. 

So, that's it - I am a Mennonite. goodbye Christian and Missionary Alliance and goodbye Baptists. It feels good to be tied in with a denomination like this - next year I will be ordained, so then I will be Rev. Ninan!

In other news, I am still juggling a variety of potential explosives, which I guess is par for the course for a pastor.


Anonymous said…
Congrats. I still think it is funny that you are a Mennonite now.

You will have to start listening to Mennonite songs ....

(to the tune of She shooked me all night long)
She was a fat MB
she kept her kitchen clean
she made the best Zumma borcht
that you've ever seen.
that is all I can remember. This was aranged back in the day when Warren and I were practicing Mennos

Joel M-E
Anonymous said…
and here is a link for your new diet

(they even have gluten free stuff)

Anonymous said…

Perhaps after a few more trades with the Prod teams you just may be ready to play in the Big league for the Pope and his Priests with the Catholic Church. haha
Anonymous said…


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