Where the Light Falls

I've read two books by Augustine - City of God and Confessions. I think I've read his confessions 3 times. I like him because he is a good writer, has lots of self-insight, and loves God passionately.

He was very honest about his pre-Christian life. At one point he makes this observation:

"I had my back toward the light, and my face toward the things on which the light falls."

Most people have their back to the light - and they focus where his light falls.

Where the light falls refers to God's common grace. God does not keep good things only for those who follow him. Because he is good he distributes his blessings and grace widely.

Where the light falls are places of grace: art, music, beauty, sunshine, loving relationships, a baby's smile.

But - these things are not the light - to enjoy and encounter the light, we must turn around and follow the rays of light back to the source.

What is the source of beauty, love, and truth?

Jesus said he is the light of the world. And when we follow him, we enjoy the light AND better enjoy where the light falls.


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