This is the Gospel

Everybody knows there is a problem with our world.
Our world is broken.
We read about our broken world every day.
Not only is the world broken, but we are also broken.
We have been hurt by others and we have hurt others.
The brokenness in this world is so deep that no human being can mend it.
We need power from another, more powerful source.
And that help has come to us.
God reached down to this broken planet by becoming a man - Jesus Christ.
 A man who never did anything wrong. Jesus kept all the laws of God.
Jesus Christ died on a cross and when he died, an amazing transfer took place. For those who place their trust in him receive the credit of Jesus’ perfect life and Jesus receives the punishment we deserve for our disobedience of God.
Jesus not only died in our place – but he rose from the dead on the third day.
 Jesus’ resurrection shows us that the final enemy – death itself has been conquered.
The mending of this broken world will not come about by our human effort.
It will come about by faith.
Faith that when we trust God through Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made into new people.
People who are empowered to work with God to make this world that he wills for it to be.


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