Kids Ask the Smartest Questions

I answered some questions that some smart kids in our church asked me. Here they are:

1. How did God come to be?
2. When do you think literally or symbolically about the Bible?
3. Why are there so many old fashioned or hard to read words?
4. Regarding translations and language- Why and how are there so many languages the Bible had to “get through” to get to us?
5. Where is heaven? How high above or far away, etc.?

1. God did not come to be. God was not created. God is eternal - meaning he has always existed.
2. You think literally or symbolically about the Bible by understanding the specific literary genre of what you are reading - this requires a little bit more studying by you - how to read the bible for all its worth by Gordon fee and Doug Stuart can help you do this.
3. This question depends on which translation you are using. A contemporary translation will not have old-sounding words - these include New Living or The Message translations. The old-sounding words are due to the fact that those older versions were translated at a time when that is how people wrote and spoke.
4. I don’t understand this question.
5. I do not believe heaven is a physical place like earth or mars. I believe heaven is a spiritual location that we cannot measure or access through any physical ways of measurement. So - where is heaven? My personal opinion is that this is an impossible question for a human being to answer. Not knowing where it is or how it exists does not negate our ability to believe that it exists. No one has physically seen an atom - but we believe atoms exist.


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