2018 Books

I've read 50 books in 2018 (so far).

Here they are:

1.    Gray Mountain - John Grisham
2.    Joy Unspeakable - Martyn Lloyd Jones
3.    The Kingdom and the Cross - James Bryant Smith
4.    How to be Pentecostal without Speaking in Tongues - Tony Campolo
5.    The Great Giveaway - David Fitch
6.    Answering Jihad - Nabeel Qureshi
7.    Complete Book of Discipleship - Bill Hull
8.    A small Cup of Light - Ben Palpant
9.    Selection Day - Aravind Adiga
10. The Great Evangelical Recession - John Dickerson
11. The Following Plough - J. Neville Ward
12. Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates
13. A Mind Awake - CS Lewis
14. Gift From the Sea - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
15. Experiencing the Trinity - Darrell w. Johnson
16. Make Your Bed - Admiral William H. McRaven
17. When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanith
18. How Should Christians Vote - Tony Evans
19. Bible and New York Times - Fleming Rutledge
20. Tech-wise Family - Andy Crouch
21. Liturgy of the Ordinary - Tish Harrison Warren
22. Whose Promised Land? Colin Chapman DMIN
23. Emotionally Healthy Leader - Peter Scazerro
24. Made to Stick - Chip and Dan Heath DMIN
25. 1984 - George Orwell
26. Baracoon - Zora Neal Hursto
27. Evangelicals and Israel - DMIN
28. Why Men Hate Going to Church DMIN
29. Half the Sky - Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn DMIN
30. Biblical Preaching for Today’s World - Lloyd M. Perry DMI
31. Women’s Voices and the Practice of Preaching - Nancy Lammers Gross
32. A Prophet with Honor - The Billy Graham Story - William Martin
33. Praying - JI Packer
34. The Midnight Line - Lee Child
35. How to Pray - CS Lewis
36. Lilies Amongst Thorns - Danyun
37. Families and Faith - How religion is passed down across generations - Vern L. Bengston
38. God at Work - Gene Edward Veith Jr. 
39. The Gospel comes with a Housekey - Rosario Butterfield
40. 57 Words that Change the World - Darrell w. Johnson
41. John Newton and the Evangelical English Tradition - Bruce Hindmarsh
42. Inside Out - Larry Crabb
43. I am Strong - Lamar Hardwick
44. The Hobbit - Tolkien
45. Godric- Frederick Buechner 
46. The Righteous Mind - Jonathan Haidt 
47. The Innocent Man - John Grisham
48. Educated - Tara Westover (audiobook)
49. Under the Unpredictable Plant - Eugene Peterson
50. The Prodigal Prophet - Tim Keller


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