A New Liberation

I  met with someone from my church this week for lunch. Nothing new there. I do that 2-3 times a week on average.

What was different this time is I had no agenda for the meeting. Halfway through our meal - I thought - this is a "lunch without an agenda". And I thought I need to do this more often.

Usually, when I meet with someone we are trying to meet a need - I might need them for something in the church or they might need my counsel, support or friendship. I am trying to talk them into something. They are needing something from me. This is rather utilitarian, isn't it?

But this meal was different - we just met .... because. And it was very liberating to simply spend non busy and non programmed time with another human being. our conversation wandered from family to church to history. It followed its own path and we walked along beside it.

I recommend pastors take up this practice - meet with your parishoners without an agenda or a plan for their life. Simply, sit, talk and see where the Spirit leads you.


Lam said…
I think I read it in a list of mental and emotional health tips to try doing this once a week. Thanks for sharing!

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