The Missing Heart of Christian Leadership

I am currently teaching an adult education class in my church called "Personal Spiritual Formation". It is based on material put out by the dean of the seminary I currently attend, Dr. Ron Walborn. 25 adults signed up for the class and I ended up having to turn away others who showed interest.

As we have been working through the material someone commented to me that this class is not what they thought it was going to be. This class covers things like grieving and honesty. I think what has happened is that for many of us spiritual formation simply means learning more things - head knowledge. But, the material I am teaching goes deeper - it goes to the heart.

The reason I feel this material is important is because there is something missing in contemporary Christianity. We have lost our hearts. What I mean is is that we have absolutely excellent academic training in areas of theology, hermeneutics, exegesis and biblical scholarship. Almost anyone can now access some of the best academics in these areas. And the bulk of our seminary training is focused on these areas.

But, there has been inadequate focus on the soul of the leader. Why are you the way you are?
Can you handle criticism?
What is the level of anger that you operate under?
Why are you addicted to ......?
Are people seen as stepping stones to something else, or are they human beings that you love?

You see, underneath biblical scholarship, charismatic leadership and academic finesse lies a heart that may or may not be wounded.

What has happened in the last 3 years is 3 high profile ministry leaders have been forced out of their positions due to heart problems. All of them were theologically orthodox, excellent leaders and prolific authors - but they had hearts that had yet to be fully transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Heart work is hard work because it forces us to deal with our fears, hurts and insecurities - and who wants to deal with that?

But, the reality is, is that if these are not dealt with, we might build up big churches or ministries and destroy other human beings in the process.

Deal with your heart. Speak the truth in love to yourself.


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