Let The Teachers, Teach

Last week, Felicia and I attended an orientation evening at the middle school that Adam will be attending next year. It's one of those nights where the staff and administrators do their best to assure you that your kids will learn something and not grow disillusioned or bitter in the process.

There are a certain type of parent who for some reason feel that they know more about kids education than the actual child educators who have both the training and experience to actually know what they are doing.

Despite, the fact that these qualified men and women are there to present to us some of the plans they have for our kids education, these spritely parents feel compelled to pop up and pontificate on their personal philosophies of education.

Most of these theories seem to be based on daydreams they have while dozing in their recliners while netflix plays in the background. Or (worse), they are a hodge podge of theories culled from day time talk shows and poorly written blog posts.

One energetic mom even stood up to address the crowd about what makes for a healthy lunch.

So here's my plea:

I don't argue with my dr. with the meds he prescribes.
I don't argue with my mechanic about what type of oil to use in my car.

And I don't feel compelled to prove and pontificate with my kids teachers on my personal theory of education.

Let the teachers teach - and once in awhile thank them, instead of trying to correct them.


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