You Can Take A Trip Down Memory Lane (But You Can't Live There)

Adam and I - Wildwood School

A couple of weeks ago, Adam and I went to Saskatchewan Canada for 6 days. A lot of my early formative years took place in Saskatchewan. After shuttling around from India-Vancouver-Toronto-Regina, my parents settled on Saskatoon Saskatchewan as the city to raise their family in. My father took a position as a neonatologist - one of the first in the province of Saskatchewan.

We moved into a new developing neighborhood called "Wildwood". I was the in first Grade 3 class to attend Wildwood Elementary School. In between Wildwood, I attended an inner city school called Caswell. Castle had an "Ac-Tel" program, designed for academically gifted children. Somehow I made the cut. After elementary school, I went to Aden Bowman High School - made famous because Joni Mitchell went there. After high school, I skipped University and attended a denominational bible school with the unfortunately generic name of "Canadian Bible College".

So, it was quite interesting to take Adam along with me to re-visit some of these places together. I showed him the house I grew up in, my schools and places I used to hang out. I was surprised that I wasn't very emotional. I remember a few years ago going back and getting choked up seeing all those familiar streets and scenes - this time, not so much. I also showed him the church our family attended - Avalon Alliance Church.

I think it is important to look back, look around and remember. Right now, I am reading the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. It is essentially a book about looking back and remembering. We are products of our past. And it is important to understand and reflect on those things that have formed us.

But, the past is past. It shaped us. But, God gives us immense power to re-shape our life path. I grew up in Saskatoon Saskatchewan but have now ended up living in Ithaca New York. My Dad grew up in India and ended up on the Canadian prairie. Few things are fixed in life. I am grateful God gives us such freedom to carve out the lives we choose, within his ultimate sovereign plan. I also look forward to where my kids will end up.


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