From the Cross to Paradise

Jesus did not die alone. There were at least 2 others crucified with him. Two thieves. One on either side.
The social and emotional context surrounding him was painful.
The crowds, the guards, the rulers and even one of the thieves kept mocking him:
"Come down from the cross, if you are who you say you are."

The death of Jesus was the ultimate vindication of the crowd - he wasn't who he said he was.
We were right - he was a fraud.
They all mocked .... except.

Except for one of the thieves.

He rebukes the other thief:

"Don't you fear God, since we are under the same sentence. We are being punished justly. But this man has done nothing wrong."

Amid the din of rebuke, sarcasm and ridicule came the voice of truth from a ragged dying shell of a human propped up on that Roman gibbet.

The thief understood the human condition - "we are being punished justly." He understood that he was getting what he deserved. And he looked at Jesus and realized there was no way that Jesus deserved to die in the same way.

Jesus was dying unjustly - an innocent man.

And then the thief turns to Jesus and says:

"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Jesus  - remember me.
Don't forget me.
I am dying, I am suffering. I am crying.
But, don't forget me.

Everyone else has written me off, but please Jesus, remember me.

The thief also knew that the cross was not the end of Jesus' story. Somehow, he knew that Jesus was building a kingdom and the thief wanted to be part of it.
Take me with you! I want to be part of your kingdom!

And he gets his prayer.

Jesus says, "Truly, I tell you - today you will be with me in paradise."

From the cross to paradise. The journey happens via the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

And the thief made the trip.


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