Run and Look!

My final point of my Easter Cornell message was "Run and Look".

Jesus has risen from the dead.
The women visit the tomb - it is empty.
Jesus' dead body is not there.
They go back and tell the disciples.

And (this is in the Bible!), the men respond like this:

"they did not believe the women because their words seemed to them like nonsense."

Most people today probably think Christianity might be interesting, maybe gives us some good morals to live by.
But, they resist the supernatural elements of the faith.
There are too many things that seem impossible to believe … like men coming back from the dead.

It seems like …. nonsense.

What is fascinating is that the first century followers of Jesus had the exact same initial reaction that many of us do: nonsense, impossible!

Despite the nonsensical words, one of the disciples, Peter runs to the tomb to see what has happened.

He sees the strips of linen that had previously been used to hold fast the corpse of Jesus - they are now lying there, useless.

And the text says:

"he went away wondering to himself what had happened"

As we analyze Christianity, we might have the same reaction: "What has happened?"

The truth is, the first century followers of Jesus were all initially skeptics as well.
But, their skepticism did not persist.

And the question is, how?
How do these men transform from skeptical and fearful to courageous architects of a new faith?
How does murderous Saul the Pharisee become Paul the apostle?

People become followers of Jesus Christ by encountering the risen Jesus Christ.
Christiainity takes us beyond doctrinal agreement or moral piety.
Christianity is Jesus Christ.

And this is my point - be like Peter - run, look, study for yourself.
Don't take my words for it, or your friends or family.
Discover it personally.
Ezra Cornell wrote the motto of Cornell University:
"I would found an institution where any person could find any instruction in any study."

How can you consider yourself an educated person if you remain ignorant of the most famous and influential person who ever lived?
Are you even able to articulate the beliefs of Christianity?
Look at the influence Christianity has had on the arts, literature, government theory and political systems - and yet many of us are completely ignorant of it.

The first believers investigated the claims and then encountered Christ personally.

Life is difficult.
Life is struggle.
But, our vision of the future exerts great power over our daily circumstances.

There is a Christian writer and speaker named Joni Erickson Tada. As a teenager, Joni dove into a lake, misjudging the depth, she cracked her spine and became an instant paraplegic.
One day she was at a Christian conference where the speaker invited everyone to bow down in prayer.
Sitting upright in her wheel chair, her disability became obvious to all.

Joni began to weep. Not tears of sorrow, but of joy.

She writes:

"I with shriveled, bent fingers, atrophied muscles, gnarled knees and no feeling from the shoulders down, will one day have a new body, light, bright and clothed in righteousness - powerful and dazzling. Can you imagine what hope the resurrection gives someone who is spinal-cord injured like me?"

If we learn anything from the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ it is that no condition is permanent.
Death leads us into life.
The human condition is not fixed.
If you are sad here, in the final resurrection of all things you will only know joy.
If you are lonely here, in the final resurrection you will know perfect love

The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that ultimate meaning, purpose and joy can be encountered and experienced now and forever.

Jesus Christ said that he came to give us abundant life.

I pray everyone reading these words discovers the reality of that promise.


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