30 Days

Enjoying the 150 year picnic celebration (minus Adam)

30 days ago today, I started my position at Bethel Grove Bible Church. The first 2 weeks were quite disjointed, as none of our possessions had arrived from Port Moody, yet.

Once the stuff arrived, it was much easier to settle in.
I moved 25 boxes of books into my office, which made it feel much nicer.

I've managed to participate on Sunday mornings by doing the pastoral prayer, helping with communion and a few other things. The next 2 Sundays, I teach an adult sunday school AND preach in teh 2nd service as well - so that will be quite busy.

The position and the church are pretty great. I am REALLY enjoying both.
The transition to Ithaca and the U.S. is still happening.
It is challenging trying to do all the little things that need to be done - requires a lot of patience and time.

The children have adjusted extremely well - both Adam and Sophia love their new school. Adam is also playing baseball on a local little league team, and doing quite well.
Sophia will be celebrating her 6th b-day this Saturday with brand new friends from both school and church.
James is quite happy that his Thomas the train set has travelled with him to Ithaca.

Felicia has probably had the most challenging transition. She has left a hectic full time job as an ER nurse. And is now at home most days, as we only have one vehicle - and I often need it to jet around town to meetings.
She also had quite a close group of fellow moms who met regularly for prayer.

In summary, its been a good move, the right move.


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